Trophies to top 10 players.
Trophies with winning record. Medals to all others.
Location: Hamilton School Gym - 5530 Nave Dr, Novato, CA 94949Very convenient location, off of 101, Safeway and other grocery stories are within walking distance.
Date: Saturday, Dec 7thTime: Onsite registration: 9AM-9:30AMFirst round starts at 10AM.Round times: 10AM, 11:30AM, lunch break, 1PM, 2:15PM, 3:30PMTournament ends with a trophy ceremony around 4:30PM.Format: 5 round, G/30;d5 (Game in 30 minutes, wiht 5 second delay at each move, i.e. one game can last up to one hour.)
Sections: 3 section based on rating and age!
Entry Fee: $20 for all players.
After 12/4: registration fee goes up to $30
Participants must currently be in 12 grade or lower.
Please contact Mechanics' Institute if you have any questions.