The World Championship Match:
de la Bourdonnais – McDonnell (1834) to Carlsen – Caruana (2018).
Taught by FM Paul Whitehead
An in-depth look at the World Championship matches – the great games, styles and personalities of the World
hampions and their challengers. The central idea of the class will be
the study of chess ideas and theory, as practiced by the greatest
players. In each class we’ll look through roughly 10 to 20 of the most
famous games ever played: games where literally everything was at stake.
The class will be lecture-style, with brief questions and answers.
Classes will be available for review on YouTube and Lichess.
Part 2: Oct 8 through Nov 5
6. Tal, Petrosian and Spassky: Soviet Domination Part 2.
7. Fischer-Spassky 1972: The Match of the Century.
8. The 3 K’s: the Karpov-Korchnoi and Karpov-Kasparov Matches.
9. Fractured Chess World: FIDE and Classical World Championship Matches 1993 to 2005.
10. The new Modern Era 2006 – 2018: Kramnik, Anand and Carlsen.
10/08/2020, 10/15/2020, 10/22/2020, 10/29/2020, 11/05/2020
Minimum: 1
Registration starts on 08/22/2020 and ends on 11/05/2020.
Please contact Mechanics' Institute if you have any questions.